Perfect Harmony

Perfect Harmony
Moored at Huntingdon

Sunday, 12 December 2010

10th December '10

We were a weekend later than expected going up for this visit, because of severe snow conditions last week! Unheard of for November but guess it's just our luck!
Anyway the wait was well worth while as the boat is coming on well now and we can expect late January for completion (as long as weather doesn't halt any of the suppliers or sub-contractors).
I will put loads of photos on this time so starting from the front - there's nothing been done to the bow as yet but here is anyway...
Then looking into the boat from the bow we have the saloon with the kitchen behind and a peep into the bathroom (there will be a door when it's finished - we are not THAT open plan!)

you can see the radiators in place and the shelving in the foreground - at the front on that side will be the TV and on the other side a solid fuel stove - you may be able to see that there is already a wine rack in place!

close up of the wine rack!!

The kitchen is coming on a treat - the oven and microwave are already there as is our wonderful larder units - on either side of the end of the kitchen, two pull out units with metal shelves to take LOTS of groceries to keep us going when we are on the move.

these photos show them clearly and you can see our shower in the background! As the bathroom is pretty much shown here - and I don't think you need to see the main toilet hiding behind the wall I shall move on down the boat!

 beyond the bedroom - which is still pretty much as it was but now has bedside cabinets - there is the second toilet - obviously there are some walls to go in here but this will have a handbasin and will be useful for a quick comfort stop for the captain! the thing in cellophane is a calorifier which will convert the power from the engine to heat the boat and is pretty important.
opposite this is my office cubbyhole and the washer and tumbler drier so quite an important section of the boat - if not as pretty as the front end!

this -believe it or not - is my office! I will have a shelf for the computer and one for the printer and then a small seat for me! Not much but it means that I can keep the blog going - check Facebook and Skype people without having to put the computer away all the time and also be close to John when he's steering the boat! Ahhhh.

Now because John likes them are some external shots of the boat - don't despair - it won't look like this next time - Jim and Paul reckon they are getting the  painters in to start on the external work next week so the next time we shall see it there should be quite a change. We have confirmed it to be dark green with red and cream trims and a cream roof. Quite traditional colours which we have always liked.

nothing like seeing a photo of yourself to want to make you lose weight!!

The other exciting part of the visit was going to chose the upholstery pattern for the dining suite and the cushion floor for the baltroom / kitchen area - the rest of the floor will be oak. We have gone for a suprisingly different (for us) fabric - a sort of rich cream brocade with green and terracotta flowers - looks MUCH better than it sounds and a multi-colour diagonal stone tile effect floor. Hopefully it will match the shower panel that is already chosen and in situ as well as the granite effect worksurface that again has already been chosen.

That's pretty much it for this visit - we are going up again after the new year to make the final choices. There is some discussion about putting us in the water further south which would avoid some of the bad weather if it comes in freezing again as some of the canals are frozen after last week. This would be great as far as I'm concerned as it would be less travelling to get us to Cambridge for March but we shall see.... continue to watch this space......

1 comment:

  1. All coming together well lets hope they can keep to date of end January.
    Wishing you Both a Very Happy Christmas and a journeyful and Happy New Year.
    Terry and Sue.
