Perfect Harmony

Perfect Harmony
Moored at Huntingdon

Friday, 17 May 2013

17th May '13

Having spent only 24 hours on the 72 hour mooring, we're planning on spending 72 hours on the current 48 hour one. Hope that works out OK.

Bath is beautiful as ever. We did the tourist thing yesterday and went and had a cream tea in Sally Lunns' Tea Shoppe. It was wonderful!

Planning visitors in a city is a nightmare. We are expecting to see 2 daughters and my brother plus accompanying others, but do you think there's a mooring by a pub - or even a pub near the water? Not on your life there's not. Parking in the city is extortionate and the park and ride that they'd be wanting doesn't operate on Sunday. Hopefully all will work out OK, but it may mean that Chloe and Sam won't be able to stay over on Sat. night as planned as there's nowhere for them to leave the car.

John is tightening up security on the boat. He's fitted a hasp to the back door, so we can padlock it up when we're out and today he's fitted a padlock to the diesel cap. Apparently there have been thefts of diesel along this stretch and so he's sorted it out. Now he wants to do something to the side hatch. It will be like Fort Knox by the time he's finished with it.

The canal seems an odd place for a lifeboat but there it was! It's actually come past us today and is moored a few boats up, strange but true.

As a mode of transport this beats the lot - not a choice I'd make personally. He said he couldn't wave as well as balance and paddle - not trying hard enough I thought!

You certainly do see them all along here - this one had no windows, anywhere that we could see, in fact it didn't seem to have much of anything really - but was quite large.

Looking over Bath from the first mooring.

Looking down at the moorings on the river in the centre of Bath - they were full and still no-where for parking and again today they were full so we won't try to moor there, but may just go up and turn as Pulteney Bridge from the water is probably worth seeing.

Pulteney Bridge and weir from the roadside, very Jane Austin. Bought a Christmas present for both Halden and Nellie from a shop on the bridge, very cute!

There are some beautiful wrought iron bridges along the canal here and gardens to the right. We were surprised to discover that roads we had driven over for years actually went across the canal, and we never realised at the time.

We have walked down the locks today (we are moored at the top of them, only a few minutes walk into the city so very handy) and the deep lock is VERY deep. It's going to be quite an experience I fancy, the gates are huge to cope with the amount of water they have to control, quite intimidating. Luckily though the river looks very placid, but after the Kennet most things would!

Unlikely to add anything tomorrow because of visitors but will catch up at the end of the weekend.

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