This was from our day out with Jan and Rog on the railway! We did a quick 5 minute trip up the hill and there was a path leading up further - we'll bring Paddy up one day next summer and walk it as it looked rather interesting.
I forgot to mention in the last blog that we'd had our solar panels fitted. Here's Tim who did a wonderful job attaching them to our roof. We can now go out next summer in the knowledge that we'll have enough power as they seem very efficient. Onboard solar if anyone's interested, a quick and professional job, simples!
The sun going down over the Yorkshire Dales. It was really beautiful and we had a good walk that evening.
Just one of the many pictures of the water in the gorge - this is where it emerges from a narrow crack in the rock and joins the main stream that has come under the road. It's hard to capture the beauty of the place.
Looking down from the road towards the campsite. We are just to the side of the telegraph pole almost obscured by a tree!
I'm standing on a bridge and behind me is towards the scene of John's falling in episode!
...and here he is - dripping wet from his unexpected dip! The small trunk you can see in the water alongside him is what he used to rescue his hard-hat from further downstream where it was merrily floating away on it's own little adventure.
This guy in the Golden Fleece should have had the Steak and Stilton pie like I did. It was worth going back to York just to have another portion of it. mmmmmm.
Here's the pub, allegedly the most haunted in the City. I love the fact that it looks so small from the outside but then it goes back and back and back for ages. Apparently this is very typical of the width that identifies original ancient dwellings.
Last weekend we went back to the Ecclesbourne Valley Railway for a fish and chip special.
The weather was foul but Helen and Lloyd were enjoying their supper so much the chips were a blur! £7.50 for the train ride and a fish and chip supper each, it can't be bad can it? We would definitely do it again but maybe in the summer next time, when you can see outside a bit more.
I'm off to a wool show this weekend at Bakewell and then we're going down to see Chloe and Sam in their new flat the following weekend so busy times ahead.
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