Not sure I should be let loose with technology.....yesterday I mentioned that my camera hadn't been charged.....what I SHOULD have noticed was that far from being not charged, it was without a battery because THAT had been fully charged while we were in Reading. So no pictures yesterday was a case of lack of brain rather than anything else. I had to admit it because John has read the blog recently and if I hadn't he'd have probably put a cutting comment!
Here we are this morning leaving Sheffield Lock. The last time we moored here we were with Simon and Ally and we'd had a brilliant barbeque. The weather wasn't as good this time I'm afraid, after a night of rain it brightened up a bit but was not exactly high summer.
Here we are sharing a lock with Jason on board Mithril Three. We've had a lovely day with him (well we enjoyed it) and got through the six locks and numerous lift or swing bridges a lot quicker because we got straight into a good rhythm.
To give him his due, he tried to get away before us but we caught him up at the first lock and then wouldn't let him go. We even stopped at Aldermaston together to fill up with water and empty cassettes, and you don't get much closer than that! Actually they both looked a bit green after the cassette bit, apparently it wasn't pleasant in there. I was busy with Paddy so avoided that pleasure.
I can't remember the name of the lock but here you can see the bridge going over the road that had to be moved before we could get in the lock. When there's two of you on board it's not too bad, one sets the lock and then opens the bridge while the other takes the boat through. If you're having to do this single handed then you have to moor, set the lock, open the bridge, get the boat through into the lock, go back to close the bridge then operate the lock and it takes quite a while to do this. Having two boats makes it so much easier, and far quicker.
Jason had opened this bridge so we were going through to get to the next lock to set it for him. Simples.
We'd done this one for Jason - I hope you are all paying attention to this - quiestions will be asked at the end.
It's just so nice to have company and to top it all, Jason made my whole trip by saying of John "I'm amazed you ever get a word in!" YES! I KNEW he talked more than I did.......SO happy!
some of the locks are quite violent when the paddles open. It's as well not to be TOO close to the front gates usually.
Incidentally these pictures are not necessarily in chronological order because for some reason my computer can't store them in a simple 1,2,3 system. Instead it does so many and then repeats the numbers again with a sub, number and it's a real pain trying to sort them out. Just in case anyone was going to be picky and know which order the locks come in!
Scalloped edge to this one - not sure why - seem to remember there is a reason but it escapes me and I dare say few will care. If you really do care that much maybe you could Google it? Add it to the comments please.
Jason spotted a CRT message saying that there was a tree across the river but when we got there, some of the branches had been sawn off and we were able to get past it, albeit, scraping along the bottom a bit.
We got through Woolhampton Lock, which has caused me problems in the past, whether I'm used to it or have improved or whatever it was easy today, in fact I had more problems getting around the bridge that came first! I think I was overcompensating for what was to come and panicked too soon, so by the time I got to the lock I was past worrying!
We've managed to moor at the top of the lock and so has Jason either side of a boat called Clarence. The couple came out and helpfully moved it to make room for Jason and we've ended up inviting Ian and Ali (sorry if the spelling is wrong) around for a malt tasting tonight after telling them about John's Whiskey Profile Kit. Jason has gone to find his car and if he get's back in time he'll come around as well. That's what boating's about, meeting nice people and spending time with them. Mind you John's a bit worried about how much Ju left after Saturday night but I'm sure we can find something.
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