Perfect Harmony

Perfect Harmony
Moored at Huntingdon

Sunday, 9 July 2017

Sunday 9th July '17

A fairly short and hopefully sweet one today as it's been that sort of a day.

John didn't sleep well and I was awake early so we got up and were on the move by 8.45. Our little friends had disappeared in the night but not before they'd had a fire and presumably cooked whatever they caught.

We went past Windsor Castle and this is the view from downstream across the park. It's got the most brilliant moorings along this length but you're not allowed to moor.

They really REALLY don't want you to moor there.

There is a bridge at the  beginning of the restricted area and this is the crest shown on it. It's called Victoria Bridge.

This is the decoration on the other bridge and guess what it's called??? No prizes if you said Albert Bridge (what else COULD you have said) (REALLY???)

We are very much under the flight path for Heathrow along this stretch....

Is it a it a plane....... One of each actually. Both in plentiful supply. I do like my red kites!!

We are now moored near Runnymede, outside the Bells of Ouzeley. It's a Harvester but we had a nice lunch in there as I just didn't feel like cooking today. I've got the food so it will be a roast tomorrow I expect but for some unknown reason I'm suffering with hay-fever. I've never had it at this time of year before but I'm putting it down to the trees that we were moored under last night. 

We are planning to get to Shepperton tomorrow and Kingston the next day so that we can come off the Thames at Brentford on Wednesday. We seldom, if ever, have a plan but now we do. We shall see how it pans out!

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