Perfect Harmony

Perfect Harmony
Moored at Huntingdon

Tuesday, 18 September 2012

17th Sept '12

I’ve got no internet connection tonight so am having to do this in word and will hopefully attach it to the blog tomorrow.

Moored in front of us I noticed the boat was called Eric Bloodaxe and the one in front of that was St. Teresa - I bet you can't think of many sentances that those two names would be in close juxtaposition!

We started late today, not because we had a lie in (well we did but nothing more than usual) but because we had to go and get some groceries and it was a surprisingly long distance with a trolley load of shopping. Then we had to move along a few hundred yards to fill with water and empty the cassette, and then got chatting to a fellow boater.... those of you with boats will know the problem!

Anyway it was about midday by the time we left Market Drayton and headed for the locks. There were 5 at Adderley and then we wanted to get down the first 11 at Audlem.

Arriving at Adderley top lock, we were delighted to see a boat coming out – our luck was in! Then low and behold a boat emerges from the second lock – wonder of wonders – today’s the day we thought. Then reality clicked in and somehow the other 3 locks were empty. How do they do that? We hadn’t seen a boat in front of us and there had been some long straight stretches. I feel sure that there is a phantom boat that emerges in front of us at locks specifically to upset me. No this is not paranoia, just stating a fact.

There were some really nice moorings at the bottom and we had already decided to stop here for lunch, plus the wind had become really strong and I’d been fighting the boat to keep it on course in the last locks, so I was ready for a rest. No sooner had we moored and I’d taken Paddy for a quick comfort break but the rain started. We looked at one another and decided then and there to put up the pram cover and call it a day. We haven’t exactly come far – only a few miles in fact but enough was enough – the next locks start in about a mile and neither of us fancied doing it in the rain.

We have been justified in our decision since it has been squally on and off all afternoon. There was one dry patch when we took Paddy out for a decent walk. A white bull was standing on one of the bridges we walked under and I started singing (guess the tune? No prizes) Unfortunately I didn’t have my camera and I suppose it’s a bit much to expect him to be there tomorrow – although I did ask him very nicely.

I finished knitting Rachels’ birthday present and am now going to get started on my jacket – whoopee! I can’t put a picture of it on here, just in case this it the one time that she actually DOES look at the blog, but I’ll add it to facebook! Weather sounds better tomorrow so fingers crossed.
The wharf at Market Drayton  - probably one of the prettiest bits of the town - sorry to anyone who loves the place but it didn't grab me I'm afraid!
A dinky little butty we spotted - it apparently is used like a garden shed or a loft - full of bits and bobs from what we could tell as we went past.
At the top of Adderley Locks - a completely trust the customer range of goodies to buy including home made cakes, free range eggs, home reared bacon and sausages and home grown veg. There was a farm up a track but no-one in sight - just a box for the money and a list of prices. Great isn't it?

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