We awoke this morning to the sound of silence - no rain - neither had there been any overnight so we decided to make a run for it despite the awful forecast. Naturally it was only waiting for us to take the pram cover down and start moving for the rain to start but we'd made our choice by then so off we went.
I took Paddy on ahead as we knew the narrow bits and with my trusty walkie-talkie I pounded on for about a mile and a half, stopping boats from coming where we were already on the way and letting John know when he could come through. I quite liked it actually - the power! Slightly miffed by the boat that was in front of us, who obviously had no scout out and was just going on through. I ended up ahead of them and stopped a line of boats that they benefitted from. As they came past where I was ready to board at the end of the narrows - I called out that I'd stopped the boats coming so they were free to go ahead and they just looked through me. I muttered "Don't mention it." hopefully just loud enough for them to hear.
We got to the junction at Trevor and chaos was reigning. The boat in front of us went to the far side, there was a boat waiting on the inside and about 4 boats coming over the aqueduct. Interesting seems to be becoming my favourite word! Somehow, as always happens, things worked out, as the last boat came off the first of us went over and all was sorted. It rained solidly all the way across and so I never did get around to jumping off and taking a photo of the boat going over. Shame but I'm not doing it again.
By now we had decided that we had done what we wanted to do and get back through the narrow bits, back onto the canal proper and so we moored up at Froncysyllte, under wet trees so no telly tonight and intermittent internet!
Earlier we had a nasty incident when 2 hire boats from Trevor, Anglo Welsh ones, came past far too fast and both hit us badly along the side. John and I both gave them an earful. They appeared to find it somewhat amusing so I rang Anglo Welsh and made a complaint about them. I don't suppose it would make a difference but I felt better. John would have killed them if he'd got hold of them at the time. Interesting to think that we shall meet them in a few days time as they return. Hopefully they will have learnt some control and some manners by then.
Earlier we walked up to the main street and found a Post Office / shop. It reminded us of the one at Weston. There was a fridge with a few bottles of milk. Some shelves that had Baked Beans, dog food and one small packet of Weetabix and no postcards! Brilliant. I hope the locals buy lots of stamps etc there or it won't be here for much longer.
Found the photos from the camera and this is coming over the aqueduct! It's not a good connection for photos so I'll only put a couple more on and hope that I get another chance soon.
That's all for now folks - hopefully more when I get better internet - just hoping this will now post!
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