Perfect Harmony

Perfect Harmony
Moored at Huntingdon

Monday, 15 April 2013

15th April '13

Happy birthday Nicky if you read this!

We've had less wind and more sun most of the day and have got down to Coventry!

This is the rather attractive CRT building just beyond the bridge where we moored last night at Hartshill. The only problem was that there wasn't a doggy bin anywhere along the canal, so we travelled with two in the pot on the roof of the boat!

This looks fairly unremarkable, except that the trees you can see are actually growing on the bridge - we assume that it hasn't been used for a while!

Only just got the camera out in time, but behind the white boat is a small dingy with a hen coop and run on it with a beautiful hen inside - one way to ensure a fresh egg for breakfast. We thought it was a great idea, very ingenious.

I said I'd be looking out for family names and here, just before Hawkesbury I found Tom! and then just along a bit, guess what? ......

I haven't got a middle name but am willing to add this!

for some reason my connection is suddenly really patchy and I can't upload any more pictures at the moment - hopefully tomorrow will be better.

Anyway once past Hawkesbury we were in new territory for a change and I have to say the Coventry arm is not a place of beauty. The rubbish in the canal and on the banks both sides was disgusting and several times John had to turn put the engine in neutral so that we didn't pick up anything on the propeller. This made for some exciting moments as much of the rubbish collected in front of bridges, obviously where the wind didn't disperse it, so we'd go towards a bridge, cut out, drift towards the bridge and then cut in again, usually in time to avoid contact or hard steering. Not much fun.

The canal basin itself is fine, nothing like Birmingham or Manchester, but then it's not a through canal, and there's limited space. We've got a mooring outside a tattoo parlour - very handy one feels. We've had a quick explore and the cathedral is only a few minutes away so tomorrow we shall leave Paddy to guard the boat and go off to do some tourist stuff.

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