Perfect Harmony

Perfect Harmony
Moored at Huntingdon

Monday, 22 April 2013

22nd April '13

Don't know what happened there - I'd written a couple of paragraphs and it all just disappeared!

Anyway as I was saying.... we have only got as far as Fenny Compton today due to a mix of cold winds and me having a bout of hay fever today that was somewhat unexpected. I didn't have my usual brand of tablets so took an anti-histamine that I'd bought for someone else a while ago, and it had a weird effect on me. It stopped the hay fever but it left me feeling totally disorientated and very tired. Since I couldn't wear my contact lenses because of the hay fever I found that I couldn't actually focus on the side of the bank when I was jumping off with the rope - scary. Anyway we pulled in for water and decided to stay the night. I promptly fell asleep for a couple of hours - very unusual for me - and now after a walk and a shower feel much better

So much so that we are going to conserve our groceries and have a meal at the Wharf Inn which we are moored outside!

This totally unremarkable view is taken from just around the corner from our mooring of last night. The hedge that you can see is where we were moored against. I mentioned that this is a winding section of canal.
Not to labour a point, but this is a photo of the map of where we have travelled today! We started at the loop just above the large F at the beginning of the text and we are now on the last loop at the bottom of the page. This has been quite a challenge in the wind we've had.

Here we are approaching the bridge on the bend that is in the middle of the page, at the bottom, where we had to swing right back on ourselves. Luckily we didn't meet anyone!

It's been remarkably quiet on this stretch. We have only had 3 boats go past us and we passed one moored before we got here. Nothing has gone past us in the few hours we've been moored and one boat has just come in behind us. If only the sun came out and the wind died down it would be idyllic!

So ever onwards and more southerly tomorrow - the canal straightens out slightly and we have the locks to do, so here's hoping the wind dies a bit.

Talking about dying, John has seen an amazing amount of dead animals in the canal - mostly sheep apparently - he doesn't draw my attention to them bless him. An added incentive not to fall in I feel.

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